RFK’ Jr.’s Immunity to Scientific Evidence is Dangerous: Co-Director Comments

RFJ Jr. testifies before the Senate pending his confirmation. RFK Jr. is a known opponent of vaccinations, which have safely eliminated illnesses such as the measles.

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As a physician with a long career in alternative medicine and who opposes pharmaceutical marketing, you might think I have a lot in common with Robert F Kennedy Jr. You’d be wrong.

Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman

On Monday, Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, Program Co-Director, published an opinion piece in Trib Live regarding RFK Jr’s confirmation and credentials. In the article, she questions his support of “disproven, dangerous, or quack therapies.” She also highlights the dangers of such medical misinformation:

What prevents measles, in the United States or abroad, is vaccination, which we all know RFK Jr. opposes, despite his weak and recent protestations. Before the measles vaccine, 48,000 people a year  in the U.S. got measles; 400-500 died. Besides killing people, measles can cause pneumonia, brain swelling and deafness. Vaccination campaigns resulted in measles being officially considered eliminated in the U.S. in 2000. Now, measles is back. In 2024, there were 284 measles cases  in the country; almost all among the unvaccinated. That number is sure to rise exponentially if RFK Jr. is confirmed.

Read more in Trib Live.