Archive: pharmedout
A Hard Look at Prescribing: Program Co-Director Comments on New Opioid Study
This February, Program Co-Director Adriane Fugh-Berman and her colleague, Judy Butler, authored an article breaking down a new study on opioid prescribing and use disorders. According to the research
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Advocacy in Action: PharmedOut Organizes a Letter Challenging “Dangerous Disinformation”
A recent STAT news article covers Program Co-Director Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman's organization, PharmedOut, which has organized a letter signed by multiple experts on women's health "demanding that the
Category: News
“A New Dystopic Era”: Dr. Fugh-Berman on Pharmaceutical Companies Selling Direct
Dr. Fugh-Berman and her colleague at PharmedOut, Judy Butler, have just published an opinion piece in STAT news on an alarming new pharmaceutical practice: selling prescription drugs directly to cons
Category: News
Peer Reviewers Made $1 Billion in 3 Years: Dr. Fugh-Berman Featured in MedPage Today on Medical Journal Financial Conflicts
More than half of peer reviewers for four top medical journals received payments from drug and medical device manufacturers, totaling $1.06 billion, from 2020 to 2022, according to an analysis of th
Drug Company Tricks: Patricia Bencivenga ’21 publishes Op-Ed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Patricia Bencivenga '21 recently published an Op-Ed in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette alongside Judy Butler on "Drug company tricks: Gaslighting the worried well into becoming the worried sick." Patrici
Category: News
Dangerous Fentanyl “Candy” Off the Market: Program Co-Director Adriane Fugh-Berman Published in The Kansas City Star
Last week, Program Co-Director Adriane Fugh-Berman published an opinion piece with PharmedOut colleague Judy Butler in The Kansas City Star. The piece covers the rise and fall of fentanyl lollipops,
Categories: News, News Story
Menopause and the Workplace: Patricia Bencivenga ’21 publishes Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun
Patricia Bencivenga '21 recently published an Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun alongside Program Director Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman on menopause in the workplace. Patricia is currently working as the Special
Category: News
Pathologizing Ageing: Patricia Bencivenga ’21 publishes Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun
Patricia Bencivenga '21 recently published an Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun alongside Program Director Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman on unnecessary prescribing for hot flashes...and just how dangerous these d
Category: News
What is Mild Cognitive Impairment? Patricia Bencivenga ’21 Publishes Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun
Patricia Bencivenga '21 recently published an Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun alongside Program Director Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman on Alzheimer's and overprescribing of treatments. Patricia is currently wor
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