Degree Requirements

Students in the Master of Science in Health & the Public Interest must complete 30 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be eligible to satisfy degree requirement. There are core and elective courses designed to provide students with an interdisciplinary education which emphasizes critical thinking, analytical, and research skills. The program is designed to provide flexibility while ensuring students graduate within their chosen timeline.

In completing 30 credits, students must:

  • Complete 21 credits of core required classes
  • Complete two 3-credits elective classes from a select, limited list. Electives outside the list require the approval of the course director in accordance with the degree requirement
  • Complete 3-credit capstone or internship final project option

Find out more about the Program’s Course Descriptions and current class schedule as of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Sample Full-time Course Schedule by Semester

Fall Pre-SessionFallSpringSummer
Core Courses
  • HAPI 6000 Health, Disease, and Society (3 credits)
  • HAPI 6002 Theory and Methods I (3 credits)
  • HAPI 5004 Biology of Health and Disease  (3 credits)
  • HAPI 6006 Health Advocacy  (3 credits)
  • HAPI 5000  Seminar (0-1 credit)
  • HAPI 6003 Theory and Methods of Inquiry II (3 credits)
  • HAPI 6004 Health Economics (2 credits)

  • HAPI 6001 Health Communications (3 credits)
  • HAPI 5003 Seminar (0-1 credit)
  • HAPI 7950 Capstone or  Internship Project (3 credits)
Electives*  Elective (3)*Elective (3)*
Semester Credits312123

*Two 3-credit electives may be taken from a select, limited list. Students may also enroll in courses offered by other Georgetown programs with approval from the Program Directors.

Sample Part-Time Course Schedule by Semester

Students on a part-time track will work with the Program Coordinator and Program Directors to establish a plan of study based on the student’s desired enrollment level and intended graduation timeline. Two 3-credit electives are chosen by the student and approved by the Program Directors. 

Fall Pre-SessionFall ISpring IFall IISpring IISummer
Core Courses
  • HAPI 6000 Health, Disease, and Society (3 credits)
  • HAPI 6002 Theory and Methods I (3 credits)
  • HAPI 5004 Biology of Health and Disease  (3 credits)
  • HAPI 6006 Health Advocacy  (3 credits)
  • HAPI 5000  Seminar (1 credit)
  • HAPI 6003 Theory and Methods of Inquiry II (3 credits)
  • HAPI 6001 Health Communications (3 credits)
  • HAPI 5003 Seminar (0 credit)
  • HAPI 6006 Health Advocacy  (3 credits)

  • HAPI 6004 Health Economics (2 credits)
  • HAPI 7950 Capstone or  Internship Project (3 credits)
Electives  Elective (3 credits) Elective (3 credits)
Semester Credits376653

For a more detailed course listing, please refer to the Georgetown Schedule of Classes  webpage.
