Archive: Announcements
History Repeating? Program Co-Director Comments on “Non-Addictive” Pain Pill in The Washington Post
This week, Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, Co-Director of the M.S. HAPI program, commented on a new pain pill set for FDA review this January. The drug is non-opioid and aims to be an alternative to pre
Categories: Announcements, News
Deceptive Pharma Surveys: New Op-Ed by Dr. Fugh-Berman and Judy Butler
Program Co-Director Adriane Fugh-Berman and Judy Butler recently published an op-ed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on the dangers of deceptively-worded, pharma-funded surveys. According to their rese
Category: Announcements
Fall 2022 Seminar Series
The Master of Science in the Health and the Public Interest Seminar Series is a forum in which Georgetown students, faculty, and the general public engage with key leaders in healthcare research, pol
Category: Announcements
HAPI’s Focus on Advocacy Highlighted in Health Affairs
The HAPI Program and its advocacy course requirement was recently mentioned in the Health Affairs article "Public Health Advocacy Must Be Taught". The article notes, "of the 68 accredited schools of
Categories: Advocacy, Announcements, News, News Story
2021 Student Capstone Showcase
Please join the Master of Science in Health and the Public Interest program for the annual student capstone showcase. Returning and graduated students will present on their masters capstone projects.
Category: Announcements
HAPI Students Testify at FDA Meeting
On March 24, 2021, two of our HAPI students, Sophia Phillips and Kelvin Blade, testified at the FDA’s joint meeting of the Arthritis Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisor
Categories: Advocacy, Announcements, News, News Story
New Master’s Program Explores Societal Influences on Health
Medicine today is said to be “evidence-based” — practiced on the basis of cumulative clinical studies. But for the physicians and researchers involved in launching the newest master’s degree program at Georgetown University, medical evidence isn’t enough.
Categories: Announcements, News
HAPI Student Research Public in the BMJ Health & Care Informatics Journal
Emily Alagha '19 recently published an article "Evaluating the quality of voice assistants’ responses to consumer health questions about vaccines: an exploratory comparison of Alexa, Google Assistant
Categories: Announcements, News, News Story